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Romance By Paradisus - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Our Story
The Proposal
Photo Album
The Ceremony
The Reception
Resort Rooms

D and I met through a mutual friend. Our relationship slowly formed. He tells me the story of how he pursued me after seeing me at a friend's housewarming party. He also said he would look on Evites that were sent out by our friends to see if I was on them and if I was going to whatever event was going on. 

I got into motorcycles while I lived in Virginia; after knowing a few people with them. He said when he found out I bought a motorcycle, that was his way in. So he would come to my house and get me so we could go riding on our motorcycles to "show me the ropes"; I never thought anything of it, I just thought he was being nice. When I would get to work, the first email of the day would be from him. We never talked about anything personal; just work and motorcycles. So again, I did not think anything of it. Little did I know, this was all a part of his plan. So one night we went riding with someone else and stayed out really late. I noticed a light flashing on my bike when we were on the highway but I didn't pay it any attention. As soon as we got to the end of my block, my bike cut off. I was so grateful that he was there because I would have been scared out of my mind because it was 4 in the morning. He got off of his bike and we walked our bikes to my house. Thinking it was my battery, he took it home and charged it. He bought it back to me the next day, put it back in the bike and started my bike up. Soon after this, was when the light came on in my head. It was like someone flipped a switch. I said hey, this guy seems really nice, let's see what he's about...and this was the start of our relationship. D and I think we are perfect for each other as most couples do and I wouldn't wish for any other life but the one that I have with him.